Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Poor Luigi

I feel bad for Luigi from Super Mario Bros.  Back in the day when I was growing up, Luigi only got to play if it was 2-player and you had a friend over at your house.  But it gets worse. The real issue here is that Luigi and his brother Mario are, together, known as "The Mario Brothers."
I have a sister named Lisa, and if people referred to the both of us as "The Lisa Sisters," or "The Super Lisa Sisters," I'd probably flip my shit.  Especially if I also lived in Super Lisa Land.  A therapist would have a field day with this Luigi guy.  
Wait- my friend just informed me that they are called The Mario Brothers because their last name is Mario. So Luigi's name is Luigi Mario?  So then Mario's full name is Mario Mario? Maybe I should be feeling bad for him instead.  I don't know but clearly the whole situation is fucked up.  I'd like to speak to the parents.


  1. I hear what you are saying about the whole situation but don't you think that Mario always ends up getting the credit for everything? Yeah so what if Mario has has two same names "Mario Mario" life must always been interesting for him because he is always been the center of attention, the poor Luigi who is the one who always gets left alone in dark, who no one cares about, no matter how much he tried to make good relationships he always ends up being forgotten...he is the one who everyone should feel sorry about not Mario he has a good life...its the one who have been alone all his life who we should worry about, the one who really is kind hearted to us...those are the ones we should give attention the most, the same affection back...not take advantage or stab them in the I right or wrong or wise one...

  2. I think "The Lisa Sisters" has a nice ring to it... Hmmm...

    Also I was told recently that his name is Mario Mario -- pronounced "mehrio maahrio". That's a whole other debate in itself. How do you pronounce his name???

  3. I knew a kid in 4th grade (Who I hope isn't reading this) and his name was Ahmed Ahmed Ahmed!

    -Stacey Stacey Stacey

  4. Yeah Anonymous even if Mario's name is Mario Mario his life is still fucking amazing, so no sympathy for him.
    Stacey does Ahmed Ahmed Ahmed have his own video game? if so I'm buying it
