Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dear Humans: Fighting

   I know this is going to be upsetting for some of you to hear, but after a certain age you are not supposed to physically fight people anymore.
   I'd say the cut-off age is 18.  Maybe, with some slack, 20.
   After that, you handle things either with your words, or with non-fighting actions, or by using the legal system.
   You don't fight them.
   (I'm going to repeat it one more time for all the Long Island lesbians:  After you become an adult, or the age where most other people become adults, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO FIGHT ANYONE ANYMORE.  Just because you look like a 15 year old boy doesn't mean you should act like one.)

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to comment.

Love, Juliet


  1. Oh wise one I totally agree with you every single word, and we should not get Infuriated over some silly words...remember they are just words and the bigger person is who can handle the situation like an adult not act like bunch of fucking high school kids...

  2. this is true... sending text threatening people and telling them you wanna fight them is the same as saying ill meet you in the school yard at 3. and its not just the girls who look like boys... sometimes its a plain 'ol little girl who wouldnt know what to do if a 5 year old smacked them.It is sad when people cant understand words.

  3. Well said and that's what we call "immaturity"
